TED Countdown Dilemma Series, #2

Is there a role for carbon credits in accelerating a fair, net-zero world?

June 15-16, 2022
New York, NY

watch the film

In this collection of TED Talks and exclusive interviews, we asked cross-sector leaders to discuss the challenges — and opportunities — of carbon credits. Here’s what they said:

Conversation Starters

Is there a role for carbon credits on the pathway to a net-zero future? Here are a few thought-provoking prompts to help you start the conversation with your organization, friends, family and followers.

  • Are carbon credits as they currently work accomplishing that they claim?
  • Who should benefit from a “successful” carbon market, and what should its goals be?
  • Do carbon credits provide a free pass for businesses to get out of harder or more expensive climate action? Or do they channel funding to important initiatives? Or both?
  • Is “net-zero” a valuable way to think about carbon emissions reduction?
  • How can we rethink or restructure carbon credits and markets to encourage climate-positive outcomes we actually want?

Watch the Full Stage Sessions

Multidisciplinary experts discuss the science of carbon credits, major challenges in effectively implementing them, and creative pathways forward.

Watch the Full Stage Sessions

Multidisciplinary experts discuss the science of carbon credits, major challenges in effectively implementing them, and creative pathways forward.

Dilemma thinking toolkit

Want to have meaningful, productive conversations about polarizing issues? Our toolkit can help you tackle difficult discussions while leading with understanding and empathy.